Fowlr livestock time finally


New member

tanks been running 7 weeks and reading 0 ammonia and nitrite now for a full week. This tank is planned to be used 1-2 years by then livestock will be getting large and need upgrades meanwhile my babies in my 560 gallon will be 30"+ and be rehomed to our public aquarium which I'm so happy about and so is the aquarium!

180 gallon DT
125 gallon sump runs between 80-90 gallons
Reef octopus 200 int
150lbs rock in DT
80lbs rock in sump
40lbs rubble

Fish we love:

Blue jaw angel
Regal angel
Majestic angel
Queen angel
Clown trigger
Magnificent foxface
Red Sea sailfin Tang
Powder blue Tang
Flame fin tomini Tang
Flame angel
Potter angel
Lawnmower blenny

If I could do 2 of the large angels, 2-3 tangs 1 of the dwarf angels, and one or two more of the list my wife, kids and myself would all be very happy

I will buy the aggressive fish as small as I can find and know tangs second to last at once and angels together last

What can we get away with?