fragging mushrooms by cutting the foot

This thread has me wanting to add a choice shroom or two near my rics as one of the last few frags I will add...speaking of, does anyone know if this will work with rics? Kinda same thing, my favorite one is the one I have had the longest and the only one to not start to split, bit its positioned rather oddly where I could cut off part of the foot.
Good question, I'd be interested on that one as well since I plan on adding some orange rics in the near future...
I'm worried about trying it, as I only have one of this particular one, its a florida orange, but the mouth is neon green and one of the best looking ric's I have seen...maybe I will check the four greens I have and see if there is an opportunity to try on one of these.
I tried this tonight on my red mushroom and on a green ric for a little experiment. Will let you know how the ric turns out if anyone is interested.
Nice, looking forward to hearing how the ric turns out, is it a florida or a yuma?

It's a yuma I believe

cant see where I cut it at the moment. When my lights came on tonight it was closed up so I took the opportunity to cut it while I had it. The red shroom however looks like the foot separated a little after I cut it and is a little more separated than the ric.
Definitely a yuma.
My Ric floridas are really wedged into the rocks, so I never really see their feet. I think Rics in general like to wedge their foot into something deep.
I just fragged my rics for the first time a couple of days ago. The only method I heard of to frag them was slicing them right off the rock and mounting what you removed and then what is left behind will be another mushroom OR taking that mushroom you just removed and cut it through the mouth into a max of 4 pieces and mount those OR leave the mushroom on the rock and cut between two mouths or through its only mouth. I did the latter and they look like they are doing very well so far.
ok so it's been 4 days since i cut the yuma and shroom. here's some updated pics, sorry for quality my camera blows.

especially sorry on this one, had to get the pic during lights out, the only time i can see the foot and using a flash light.



as soon as i can get a better pic of the yuma i will post it up.
Yeah it looked good the other day. I'm in the process of downsizing my tank from my 125 to a 12g nano. Since I put my shrooms and rics in the nano they expanded a lot and I cant see the foot anymore lol. I will try to get a pic up as soon as i can see the foot.
Ok well got a good look at the yuma today and no such luck with cutting the foot. It just reattached itself. The red shroom however has a baby under it from where i cut the foot.
organism, did you cut through the foot and cut the top off? Or is this more of a verticle cut and just cut part of the foot?
Ok well got a good look at the yuma today and no such luck with cutting the foot. It just reattached itself. The red shroom however has a baby under it from where i cut the foot.

I had the same thing happen with one of the mushrooms I cut recently, then when I cut it again I made sure to saw through quite a few times so it was more separated, now it seems like its finally split. The other one came out great though, healed up nicely!
organism, did you cut through the foot and cut the top off? Or is this more of a verticle cut and just cut part of the foot?

Just a vertical cut on part of the foot, cutting the top off would've meant way too much work with getting it to reattach, and I just don't have the spare tank real estate for that :)