
I have never fragged before and was primarily window shopping. I have a few questions

1. I see all these fragging supply kits with all these scissors, pliers, etc. for a healthy price. Are the kits really necessary? Can fragging be done with a pair of wire cutters/dykes/scissors?

2. when it comes to the fragging plugs, is it personal preference whether it be round or square, clear plastic or imitation rock in appearance?

3. I saw a thread about someone using Gorilla Glue super glue gel to fasten these frags to the plugs. Also heard people using rubberbands to avoid putting chemicals in the tank. again, personal preference?
I have never fragged before and was primarily window shopping. I have a few questions

1. I see all these fragging supply kits with all these scissors, pliers, etc. for a healthy price. Are the kits really necessary? Can fragging be done with a pair of wire cutters/dykes/scissors?

2. when it comes to the fragging plugs, is it personal preference whether it be round or square, clear plastic or imitation rock in appearance?

3. I saw a thread about someone using Gorilla Glue super glue gel to fasten these frags to the plugs. Also heard people using rubberbands to avoid putting chemicals in the tank. again, personal preference?

1. No, and Yes. Although a good set of bone cutters will cut through thick skeleton much easier.

2. personal prefrence, although for materal I would stick to aragonite or seasoned ceramic. skip the plastic crap.

3. super glue and/or 2-part epoxy puddy is useful for affixing stony coral. Rubberbands are usually used for attaching leathers as glue does not stick to them, personally I like using fishing line and a needle to attach leathers. There is nothing wrong with using superglue in the tank.
You don't need a frag kit, just some cuticle shears from CVS (the same "Coral Cutters" as the frag kits) and super glue from the dollar store. For frag plus I would recommend only ceramic, they're inert and won't grow algae like aragonite plus you can find them really cheap on eBay.
ok, what is the difference between these types of plugs:


is there a common size plug to use? i see small, large, and some with dimensions.

I do see 100 cured plugs for $20. is that considered cheap?
You want ceramic plugs, cured are aragonite. The small 3/4" ones are what most everyone uses, large are usually 1.25" for big frags or mini colonies. 100 for $20 is what I usually pay for them, not a bad price imo.