I might have a few, but some of them need to grow out for a while.
I stopped a klouses yesterday and he had some leathers that are a nice bright yellow, I would like to go back a get one of those, along with on of the mystery wrasses that he has. Those are one of my favorite.
I have been thinking about trying to do pipefish in my reef once I get my fuge up and running this week I hope.
There are a few. You can find people on here and the other forums online. Also sites like frags.org or even ebay to get different stuff. I know there are a least 5 guys in my area with reef tanks, but I have not meet them yet, I just see their tanks when I am driving to work.
Yeah, I think Petware House buys a lot of their sps frags from someone local. I have found some good buys on Reefcentral but it would be nice to be able to few the frags before purchasing them.
On the first page you(gondore) show some pics of frags from indy, the first pic is green star polyps. If I were you I would put them somewhere where they will be unable to grow over to other corals. A lot of people like them cause they look nice, they are in fact one of the more leathal corals to other coral.
They are also, almost impossible to eradicate once they take over an area, due to the (skin) they grow. It will get into every hole, crack and crevice and it will be extremely difficult to get rid of them.
I have heard that they will grow on glass, reefpimp#1 on here lets them grow on his pumps in the display to keep them away from everything. Looks pretty cool. Fuzz is right on this, they will grow fast once they start and will snuff out anything in their path. The same goes with some of the xenia, they will grow fast and are hard to get rid of because they grow out of an encrusting skin.
No, I wouldn't. I would just try to put them someplace on the bottom where they will be away from your main rocks. If they start growing on the glass, that would look cool IMO. You then could just keep an eye on them and trim back the peices that are getting to close for comfort.
Yeah, I initially purchased the frag because I thought it would help the looks of the BB tank. I'll stick them down on the glass bottom for now and watch them.
They will grow on absoultely everything.... I would certainly put them in a spot where you can control them.... they are danger to every other coral you will ever put in there...
Whatcha lookin for? SPS? LPS? Softies? I have some nice digis, plating capricornis's's's, massive frags of pulsing sinularia, pumping xenia, kenya tree coral, etc, etc, etc
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