Frank Marini Fish Only Presentation 11/18/06 at SEABay


Premium Member
"Taking the Sting out of Scorpionfish - A Look into Fish Only Aquaria"

SEABay is proud to be hosting Frank Marini at its Saturday, November 18, 7pm meeting.

Reeftanks have attracted most of the attention of the SW hobbyists, yet many people keep Fish-Only tanks and think these tanks as "easier" or more "bulletproof". That these visually stunning fish are more tolerant of less maintenance and poor nutrition.

With that in mind, my talk will center around keeping a Fish-Only tank, variations of the mindset in keeping this type of tank, and basic required husbandry. As a theme I will focus on keeping members of the scorpionfish family. As these are very common
inhabitants of the home aquarium. I will discuss the scorpion family (especially Scorpionfish we frequently find int he hobby-Lionfish, stonefish, Leaf Fish, waspfish, seagoblins, Rhinopias, weird one-0ffs), discuss their captive care and husbandry, as well as focus on common husbandry problems with these fish and
finally look at their venomous attraction.

Don't miss a truly interesting talk! :thumbsup: All are welcome!!

We've also had an aquarist getting out of the hobby that is generously donating the majority of his equipment to our raffle! :dance:
The raffle for this meeting is really shaping up nicely! We have:

* New 13" x 11" limited edition leafy seadragon watercolor painting (matted but not framed)

* New Corals of Hawai'i book by Douglas Fenner

Here's a partial list of the donated used tank items:

* Neptune Aquacontroller

* 3 MAK 4 pumps

* bone forceps - for coral fragmentation

* fish trap

* 6 submersible pumps

* ozone generator

* spectrapure float

* 2 co2 regulators

* 65 watt fl light fixture

* multiple temperature probes

* thermostat/heaters

* specific gravity meter

* one large MKR1 Calcium reactor

* one small MKR1 Calcium reactor

* one custom 5 gal Kalkwasser reservoir

* 10 gal glass aquarium

AND MORE!! :thumbsup:

This evening will be well worth your time and the drive - a great speaker and the chance to go home w/ some useful aquarium equipment and other goodies!