Free floating shrooms


New member
I changed up the aquascape in my 20g recently, and as a result of some of my stupidity several large mushrooms fell off a rock. They are now in an unreachable place within the aquascape (sitting on the sanbed in the shade.) Will they move to a place with sufficient lighting themselves? Thanks

PS - sorry for the newb question :p
mine didnt. they still opened up and latched onto the sand though. i eventually used some tubing and 'blew' them into an accessible area.
Same here. I had a red mushroom about the size of a quarter fall behind some rock. I left it there for about 2 weeks before moving the rock enough to get it out. Now it is hanging out toward the front of the tank. It appears to have grown substantially while hiding. I know it was getting some light and a good bit of flow from the filter intake that pulls from behind the rock. But at no point was it planning on moving itself much.
If they're unhappy and there's enough flow, they will move themselves to a location that satisfies them, but if there's no flow they will just sit there.
'Shrooms are virtually impervious to screw-ups.

He'll find a Foot somewhere and someday he'll pop out all happy. If not, they'll roll around until they Foot.

If they're NOT where you'd Like them, slice off their stalk with a single-edge razor blade at their base, and "net" them to a rock with some "tulle" (pronounced: Tool) fabric and rubber bands or toothpicks.

But what you really should have in your tool-pouch, is a cheap Turkey baster from Target or Wally-World. That way, should you ever want to move loose critters around, or blow off the sand from your corals, just gently blow off with a focused stream of low-pressure water.

Plastic Basters are great for not only blowing softies out of areas they have (immediately) fallen into, but if you can get to the lose mushroom, you can suction them towards you by squeezing the ball of the baster, then releasing it after touching the; shroom.
I do it all the time.

Good question.
Here's just some of mine:

Thanks for all the comments guys. Just added some new shrooms to my tank today, and the floaters found a place to foot eventually. I'll get some pics when everyone is opened up.