Fried Clams?


Premium Member
About 4 days ago I upgraded my lighting from 2 x 175 12K's (w/ 2 x 110 VHO actinic supp.) to 2 x 400 6500K's. Just prior to the upgrade, I purchased a 4" Crocea which I put about 3/4 of the way up the tank directly under one of the 175's. After installing the new lighting system, my photoperiod has been a little over four hours daily (I have no supplementation yet). All other animals seem to be acclimating, but this clam looks as though he is sliming at a very small location on the edge of his/her mantle.

Oxygen poisoning?

I don't have the confidence to move this animal down to the substrate (she is attached now). What are my options?

Thanks in advance.

Do you have a pic of this slime?

I am curious because my maxima produces a small amount of stringy slime too, that seems to come from where the mantle meets the shell. I assume this is normal because it's produced slime ever since i bought it, and the more it grows the more it slimes.
I'll post one tonight if possible.. It looks similar to what both of my turbinaria did for a day or two. Slightly opaque, apparently sticky (looks kinda like snot :D ).

Must taste better, as my purple tang eats it readily.
Acclimation Techniques

Acclimation Techniques

Look in the Coral Forum for a couple threads about acclimating corals to brighter lighting. I think the threads were started by Newkie. The same strategies apply to clams. It's best to go slow with new lighting so you don't cause any bleaching of your clams.

Best of luck...