From the mouths of Babes:


Reef Guru
The scenario is me in the bathroom cleaning out my skimmer cup. Daughter that just turned 5 comes near the bathroom and says "Daddy, what is that HORRIBLE smell??" I said it is the fish poo-poo catcher. She runs away, only to come back a minute later and says "can I smell that again?" Then she says "oohhh, that is horrible. That smells like chicken poo-poo". I asked her if she had ever smelled chicken poo-poo, and she said "No, but I am sure it smells bad like that". lol

BTW, here is a recent FTS:

Gotta a love the smell of the Local Water Treatment plant!

Your tank looks awesome Jay!
(Smells like sh!t, but it LOOKS great!!!!)
I dumped my skimmer cup and next thing I know the boys (4 and 5) are knocking on the bathroom door asking if I'm in there. then little feet pitter patter away in a fit of giggles and drag Susan to the door and shout "daddy's pooping!"
Lmao barett hahahahaahahahah!!!! .. They could have said worst lol kids say the most adorable things at that age lol too bad it wasn't on you tube!!