FS Coralife SS 125, wet/dry, 14 hex...


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Premium Member
  • Coralife SuperSkimmer 125
    This skimmer has been modified to improve performance.
    The molded 90 degree angle input tube has been removed to accept a 3/4 flexible hose straight from the pump.
    This produces more flow and subsequently more bubbles. The skimmer produces lots of nasty dark skimmate.
  • Wet/Dry sump good for 55g tank
  • 14g hex tank with stand, custom hood and Coralife Mini Aqualight
  • 20g high tank, perfect for sump or DIY refugium

Cash or trades accepted.
You're welcome Adrian, nice to meet you too.

I still have the 14g hex, stand and custom hood with Coralife Mini Aqualight if anyone's interested. This little tank got me started 4 years ago. A CPR BakPak 2 is a perfect little biofilter/skimmer for this. I have one but it's not for sale :o)