Well, Mr Stripes has finished the poci, and I'm not surprised: once started, often they do carry on. And pocis ARE a type many otherwise no-nibbble fish will go after, so I just hope he has not, like a bad puppy, learned a bad habit, and won't do the same again. I'll try to find something less tempting. I'll go back to lps if I have to, but so far he's shown absolutely no interest in the montipora.
With any tank, re the apt comment above, re who owns it---yes, to a certain extent, you're the landlord, but the tenants will sort of dictate how the tank turns out. So much grief happens for new folk who have 'a tank' and 'a plan'---because tanks, even if you have a lot of experience, will turn out as a combo of the tank's capability, the intersection of the lighting and flow you have, the rock arrangement, and the critters you get---those that WILL thrive will outpace those that don't, and some people enjoy the serendipity and some don't. My last tank was a great lps tank: grew hammer coral so fast it was overpowering everything in the tank. This tank is different in depth, lighting, flow, and it's had some adventures, but we're getting there.