FS Lots of fish and corals


New member
Im gonna redo my 75g mixed reef into a pure SPS reef so I wanna clean out 98% of the live stock. I have a Hippo Tang,Flame Hawk,Orange false perc ,Black Ocellaris,fanged blenny,orange spot goby,royal gramma and more.Also lots of zoas , ricordia , mushrooms , GSP , candy canes , torch , hammer , and much more.
I live in East memphis and will be home tonight if you wanna come by or just call and we can set something up.

Jonathan 901.355.9405
Congrats!!! Nothing better than buying a great $60 frag only to come home the next day and it is a lovely white color!!!
SPS are for winners! :0)

once you go SPS you will soon be sending out a SOS......hey on a good note, I have some family members that are making terrariums and could use all those dead white corals in their designs....maybe you SPSers can bring a few dead sticks to the next meeting for them.....
thanks to all the club members who came by and helped out a brotha in need :-)....it was so crazy I couldn't answer everyone's messages
Kerry, what you have is a bad case of acroporaphobia. Perhaps a bad memory from your childhood... struck out repeatedly at stickball would be my guess! You need to make an appointment with the doctor and we'll discuss it!
thanks for the corals it was a long ride but hey, theres nothing here where im at plus great prices :).
thanks bro..
Kerry, what you have is a bad case of acroporaphobia. Perhaps a bad memory from your childhood... struck out repeatedly at stickball would be my guess! You need to make an appointment with the doctor and we'll discuss it!

LOL...I don't give a helipora what you think. You can chalice me all you want, but I don't want any of that damicornis. And you can stick a bird's nest up your prostrata if you have any gradulosa ideas of me every giving a damicornis about SPS...

Okay, so someone slipped jon a suharsonoi in his drink at the last meeting....that just means more softies for me...and I was a decent stickball player in my day
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