FS - Lots of stuff!!!

8 Bulb Sunlight Supply Tek Light - $200

2 BRS 1.1ml dosing pumps - $50 each - thoughIKnew - Payment recieved, Thank You

Mag 9.5 - $65

Skimz SK181 Kone - $225

Two Litte Fish Phosban 150 Reactors - $20 Each - Pending
Full Bottle Acropower - $15

Reef Chili - $10

Technical Pro 9 switch DJ strip - $20 - Paid by ReefinIt @ meeting

Reactors are pending...
What is reef chili?

If you go on bulk reef supply, it's the original product they started with.

Reef Chili provides corals with all they need to be healthy and colorful in one food. Achieve faster growth.

Contains all of the essential ingredients:

"¢Bio-engineered Zooplankton
"¢Spray Dried Phytoplankton
"¢Freeze Dried Rotifers
"¢Freeze Dried Copepods
"¢Dried Daphnia
"¢Spirulina Powder
"¢Artemia Nauplii replacement diet.

what size tanks do you have?

Just some small ones, 10's, 5 and a 2.5.