8 Bulb Sunlight Supply Tek Light - $200
2 BRS 1.1ml dosing pumps - $50 each - thoughIKnew - Payment recieved, Thank You
Mag 9.5 - $65
Skimz SK181 Kone - $225
Two Litte Fish Phosban 150 Reactors - $20 Each
Full Bottle Acropower - $15
Reef Chili - $10
Technical Pro 9 switch DJ strip - $20 - Paid by ReefinIt @ meeting
Random Tanks - 50 cents per gallon
Thank you for those who picked up items at the meeting I really appreciate it.
Some items are back up for sale due to not picking up at the meeting or confirming that they still wanted them. I apologize, but I just can't sit on these waiting for people to come get them.
Also, ReefinIt, I apologize for getting there late, was volunteering at the Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans event in Wallingford and it ran a little late. Thank you for giving Missy the money and I will hold onto it for you.