FS: Splendid Dottyback (capture video attached)


Active member
$20 or trade for some cheap SPS/LPS

I made the apparent mistake of getting one of these guys for my tank. It's a beautiful fish and I took the chance knowing that they could be aggressive, but with what I had in the tank I thought he'd be alright.

Lo and behold he terrorized my leopard wrasse and even my shrimp goby, angel and clowns. Other than the wrasse, they all look like they'll be ok.

At any rate, if anyone wants him, he is captured and ready to go. Most reviews of this fish are that they are "semi-aggressive" but in my case, that was a huge understatement. I wouldn't take this guy unless you had a large tank with plenty of hiding places.

I'm by US1 and 104th and will be available after 11am tomorrow. If I don't hear from anyone by 4pm, back to the store he goes. If interested, send me a PM.

On another note I caught him using the Reef Gently Acclimate box as a fish trap. I love this product for acclimating all my livestock but had never used it as a fish trap but it worked really well. Now I know.

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