Fsurocks99's 40 Breeder

doing well keep it up

Tank has really come along nice! Keep it up.:thumbsup:


I added a Geometric Hawkfish tonight. I am now looking at ordering my next set of bulbs. Looks like I'm going to go with 3 Blue +, 2 Purple +, and 1 Aqua Blue Special.
I am currently running 4 Blue + and 2 Purple +, I really like the blue look this combo gets, but want to change it up a bit and get a little more intensity and with the blue special.
Here's a quick update:

The Geometric Hawkfish I added a few weeks ago has settled in nicely. I started Kalkwasser this week...so far so good.

With the help of some of the guys over in the Lighting Forum, I decided on my next set of lights: 3 Blue +, 1 AquaBlue Special, 1 True Actinic 03, and 1 Purple +. I was still a little skeptical of whether this combo would be too white for my liking and remembered that I had an AquaBlue Special bulb left over from the previous owner, yeah i kept them Kasey :D. And I'm glad I did. Although, it's not the exact combo (4 blue +, 1 purple +, and 1 aqua blue special) and yes all the bulbs have lost a lot of their color being ~7 months old, it is definitely too white. But, I'm wondering if the swap out of a blue + for an actinic would minimize some of the white from the aqua blue special. Any thoughts?

I added the refugium from my old nano tank, but it's not really made for such a big system. So I'm working on making a bigger refugium. My plans are using some sort of 1-2 gallon bucket where I will place some of the live rock in my sump in it along with some caluerpa and chaeto. The bucket will then be placed in my sump in the path of the powerhead that is already in my sump. For flow purposes, there will be 2 large holes in the bucket; one will line up with the powerhead while the other will be almost at a right angle to the powerhead. This will allow the water to flow into the bucket, circulate, and then out through the other hole....at least that's the plan. For lighting, I'll probably do some sort of dome light. Again, I want it to be simple...

I have changed a few things around so I'll try to add some pics later today.
Here's a quick update:
I was able to make a larger refugium. Took a beta breeder, placed some egg crate over top of it, and rubber banded the two together. That's it. I found my 24in light I had for a previous freshwater planted tank and it still had a working flora sun bulb in it.
New look to the sump:

New Fuge:

Pic of the Geometric Hawkfish:

I really like this fish. Nice color and doesn't bother anyone.

Now...if only I could get something to eat all those feather dusters or at least put a dent in their population...
I was looking at the tank and decided I was unhappy about the way I had aquascaped at the end of the tank. So, I brought some rock home from work. Here's what I'm working with:


Here is what I came up with:




Let me know what you think!
Looking good, Jack! :thumbsup: Good idea keeping the old bulbs...even if they are worn out, you can still get ideas from swapping with them.
I like that, Its gonna be sweet! and fwiw I like the feather dusters!

Thanks Acronic! I'm happy with the way it came out. Don't het me wrong, I like the little feather dusters too, I just want something that will keep their population under control...
Looking good, Jack! :thumbsup: Good idea keeping the old bulbs...even if they are worn out, you can still get ideas from swapping with them.

Thanks kasey! Yeah they helped a lot in my decision. The new bulbs are cominin a few days. I ended up getting 4 blue +, 1 purple +, and 1 aquablue special. I figured instead of an actinic, I might as well get another blue + for some more kick in the combo.
Okay, I was able to get the new rock into the tank. Now comes the fun part of taking the old rock out and transferring the corals to their new locations. I'll have some pics up later this afternoon/evening.
This might have been one of the more frustrating things I've done in a while...but I think I finally have it the way I want it to look. Let me know what you think!
BAM! that turned out great. I hope the clam doesnt make a leap of faith

Thanks! Me too! It has been attached to that rock ever since I got it and it is at about the same spot as it was before...It'll be nice when the acros I put on the rocks grow around it.
Here's an update:

I took a few more shots of the new rock. This is by no means permanent (The corals and their placement are bound to change). And a few of the corals are recovering from some serious die off so they don't look at all the way they are supposed to.

Right side w/out corals:

Front view:

Left side:

For reference, on the rock that is the highest, I placed the ORA Marshall Island Bottlebrush (it is one of the badly damaged corals). On the second highest rock is the deepwater acro and purple digi. And on the lowest rock is a tiny frag of orange digi and green cyphastrea.

Future plans...
On the highest rock, I would like to add a frag of either a hyacinthus, prostrata, or tenius. I also want to get my hands on a pearlberry and a pink birdsnest (seriatopora hystrix). I had both of these in my nano and they were by far my favorites.

Also, yesterday I realized I had a 24'' power compact fixture in the closet with a 10k bulb in it that worked! I replaced the regular fluorescent fixture I already had on the sump with it. I was a little worried it would produce too much heat, but checked the tank temp this morning and it was at its normal temp of 76 F. So, it can stay.
Recent acquisitions:
Creme Green Acro:


Pink and Ponape (It'll be interesting if it gets its color back) Birdsnests:


It is at least 6 yrs old. Wasn't a bully in its old tank, hoping for the same in mine.