Fsurocks99's 40 Breeder

I'm glad to hear that the treatment went well, Jack. Of all the common SPS pests, I would gladly 'catch' red bugs. :p

Same here!

Me too! Yeah I'm glad it wasn't AEFWs.

Ill never forget the looks the vet gave me when I asked about getting interceptor for my corals LOL! Glad that it worked out for you.

And neither will I.

Quick Update:

Acro Crabs did not make it after all, oh well, and I suspect neither did the pistol shrimp, since I haven't heard it in awhile. Other than that, everything is doing well.
noooo, poor poor trapezias

I'm really bummed they died. Looked like they were going to pull through. Everyone that comes by to see the tank, loves watching them. Definitely going to get some more after the treatment is over with. Hopefully they do well through the shipping process.

On another note, my pistol shrimp decided to make an appearance yesterday! Also, I flashed a light around the tank after the lights had been off for several hrs and saw lots of copepods and amphipods, but no red bugs! I'm very encouraged by this!
It's been a while, here's a quick update:




Here you go!

Blue Tort

Maricultured Tort (A. Selago table behind it)

Aussie Delicate

Borealis (finally making a comeback! started getting its blue tips back a week ago!)


Maricultured Table (A. Selago)

And here are some fish pics:

Yellow Watchman

Chalk Bass

Geometric Hawkfish

And a somewhat large T. Derasa

Nice work, Jack! :thumbsup:

Thanks guys! I'm still not completely happy with it, but it's coming around. Over the christmas break i ordered four acro crabs. Unfortunately, within 6 weeks, all had died. :furious: Not sure why. But that's how it goes...

I'm currently having trouble with various nuisance algaes (red slime, bubble, and some cyano). Can't imagine why. There's plenty of flow, lights are only a few months old, and parameters are all excellent.

I'm also toying with the idea of getting rid of the sand. Since my pistol shrimp died from the red bug treatments, my sand has been clumping up (even though I siphon it every week). It's also getting some hair algae in it.
Here's a few pics of the sump:


In a few days, I'll be switching out the strip light for another lamp that is on the right in the second picture. Hopefully, this will help with my algae problem.
Great tank man- and that millie i got from you is growing like mad-it's fully encrusted the plug and has grown about 1/2"
any new pics.... ;)

Great tank man- and that millie i got from you is growing like mad-it's fully encrusted the plug and has grown about 1/2"

Sorry for the late replies, but it has been quite a busy time here with finals. I'm finally receiving my bachelors in Marine Biology tomorrow! :beer:

Giga- thanks! I'm glad to hear the mille is doing great!

As far as new pics....it might be a bit. With me being so busy, the tank has slipped. My borealis bleached about a week ago and I've lost about all of the Australian Delicate and Selago. No clue why. Nothing has changed...

To top it off, the night before one of my harder finals, the ceramic shaft in my Mag 9.5 decided to break on me after most stores were closed, so the tank had to go a night without the return. Thank God I had 3 extra heaters and powerheads. It appears I haven't lost anything due to it, but time will tell as it happened a few days ago. Luckily, I was able to borrow an impeller from work the next day. I ordered two replacements impellers. Won't make that mistake again! Take it from me, always have an extra impeller on hand!!!!

With all these problems, I was very close to calling it quits and taking a break from the hobby. Especially since I have no clue where I'll be in a few months...oh the joys of the unknown. But, I'm gonna stick it out and see what happens.
Jack, congrats on the degree.

I got a frag from you less than a year ago and thing has colored up beautifully. Im sorry if you decide to take a break.

You gonna be fragging anything else out soon? Im from our local club. Im definately in the market for soem new SPS :)
Jack, congrats on the degree.

I got a frag from you less than a year ago and thing has colored up beautifully. Im sorry if you decide to take a break.

You gonna be fragging anything else out soon? Im from our local club. Im definately in the market for soem new SPS :)

Thanks man! Yeah, I remember. Good to hear it's doing well. I've been keeping up with your thread on our local club's site, looks great! Lots of potential! As far as fragging, I want to get the tank back to normal, before I go freaking out a colony. So, hopefully in the near future I'll have something for you!