Fujufilm S3300

Well it's not a current model. B&H isn't carrying it so I would look for something a little more current.

If you ever want some "fairly objective" info on a camera I highly suggest going to www.dpreview.com and looking the camera up there. If they have done a review on it just read the Conclusion page to get what you are seeking.

Good Luck shopping!
Well it's not a current model. B&H isn't carrying it so I would look for something a little more current.

If you ever want some "fairly objective" info on a camera I highly suggest going to www.dpreview.com and looking the camera up there. If they have done a review on it just read the Conclusion page to get what you are seeking.

Good Luck shopping!

its a prity new camera though
kinda read up on the camera already but was more wondering if anyone could tell me what settings he uses with this camera to make aquarium pictures.
Biggest problem I see is it doesn't shoot in RAW. Depending on the lighting on the tank you're shooting, your pics are gonna be somewhat blue. This is normally adjusted in post, but working on a jpeg won't give you much room.