Full Tank Crash :/

Thanks for the amount of support & pm guys, really means a lot. My local bud is willing to hold them for me - but what's interesting enough is that after 2x days of being ****ed... every zoa is open. Like nothing ever happened...

Every sps tho... oh they white. Every LPS as well minus 2x hammers & 1 other lps.
Even hairy mushrooms... hairy freaking mushrooms were splitting and acting as stressed like I've never seen them.
Not surprised at all. My first advice to you was not to throw anything out.

--- Interesting enough. Went to start my skimmer yesterday, it foamed up once in 5 mins, again in 10, then again in 1 hour. Very very slow, vs. before it was once every 30 seconds. It kind of makes me think it was going through a 'break-in', because I would assume if my tank had a chemical dumped into it, the skimmer should still be going nuts, even if I were to start it 3 days, 1 week, 1 month later, right? Because that chemical is still in my tank until it's taken out - what I assume.

Yeah things will soak it up, but I doubt my foam would be this calm 3 days later IF dish-soap was poured in.

Alagees will consume it. Did you do a phosphates test? Sounds like a contamination event even more. The more you export, the less acute the overfoming will be. Most common contaminant would be liquid detergent. I'm really kind of a nerdy dork and I have played with skimmers and contaminants and I would set your skimmer to skim as dry as possible and slowly make it wetter over the course of days or weeks

If you run out of adjustment, find something to put under the skimmer to raise it out of the water an inch or two.
Current debate is:
1) Be lazy & watch tank as is, watch a few algae outbreaks & see what happens
2) Empty & clean everything out, then spend a ton of $$ on new rock/sand/water

Don't do anything, not even a water change.... possibley just a little carbon for a few hours but with the corals bleached carbon clears water and can SIGNIFICANTLY increase the light getting to the coral. Just would want to get some of any algacides or fungicides or the like That might be in your water.

Once things settle down, drop me a line and I'll give you a SPS starter pack get some color back in your tank because it's going to take months for bleached corals to color back up.
Pretty true. Plus #1 is the "free" route that saves me $500+/headaches/time/effort
More than that, we are hobbiests and part of the hobby is keeping things alive and thriving.

Years from now you'll be all: Pull up a chair kids and let me tell you how that giant colony over there survived the great tank crash of 2018 (proceed see how long you can talk without pausing to breath/chew some poor newb's ear off for 30 minutes)
I think a solid month or two fallow should give me a better idea of what the status is
You are in for several months but still faster than a full reboot.
Thanks man, kind of you for the offer once again.
Yeah, I do think watching what the tank will do will be interesting. Even if I have to restart eventually, why not watch what nature does over the next few months ;)

We will see!
Dam hipsters

Pretty true. Plus #1 is the "free" route that saves me $500+/headaches/time/effort

I think a solid month or two fallow should give me a better idea of what the status is

If you are still concern run carbon and a big poly pad. That should also speed things up by a lot.
If you are still concern run carbon and a big poly pad. That should also speed things up by a lot.

Yeah I been running carbon. Also running socks online, and I think they're helping a ton. Probably helps that tank isn't getting fed so all these algae cycles can occur & phase out. Cyano be intense right now

In crazy news, nature keeps impressing! 1 week out, and this dead Candy Cane is having tissue growth & polyps! :O :O

In other news, zoas as happy as can be. Never been happier, smh

Acros & sps, they all pretty naked. Not 1 survived (yet)
Was the candy cane completely dead? My nem killed my entire colony, and its in the sump for now

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You know I don't recall 100% but I would say it was at least 97% gone with maybe very very little tissue on like three heads that I was certain if I hit it with a turkey baster they would come flying off