Okay, so they aren't the good expensive ones, but for fun I bought myself a pair of SeaDoo Scooters (Chinese knockoffs actually) that are good for 90 minutes or so, and to a depth of 100 feet.
I bought the 1st one about 3 weeks ago, and ordered the 2nd one last night. So far we've only had a chance to use them in the pool, but myself as well as the dive shop staff are super impressed with them and how ruggedly they are actually built.
The reason for buying a pair of them is so that I'll always have one available for a buddy, and also my LDS can use them for classes rather than them having to buy a pair of them too. In exchange for them using these, I will not be charged for my next class, so the cost of the 2nd scooter is negated. The rationale for buying these cheap knockoffs is that they didn't cost me $900 each, and since my wife is really adament about me NOT cave diving (she's okay w/ cavern), I probably won't ever need anything like a Torpedo since I'm inland.
These suckers are a blast! :bounce3:
I bought the 1st one about 3 weeks ago, and ordered the 2nd one last night. So far we've only had a chance to use them in the pool, but myself as well as the dive shop staff are super impressed with them and how ruggedly they are actually built.
The reason for buying a pair of them is so that I'll always have one available for a buddy, and also my LDS can use them for classes rather than them having to buy a pair of them too. In exchange for them using these, I will not be charged for my next class, so the cost of the 2nd scooter is negated. The rationale for buying these cheap knockoffs is that they didn't cost me $900 each, and since my wife is really adament about me NOT cave diving (she's okay w/ cavern), I probably won't ever need anything like a Torpedo since I'm inland.
These suckers are a blast! :bounce3: