Gabriel's NEW 300 Gallon Envision Tank ((PICS INTENSE))

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6340458#post6340458 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mecold
Awsome! That is going to be an amazing setup when your done. Now, can't wait to see you fill it up!

Thanks, you know more about the story than most. I cant wait either... i feel like Santa is coming to see me this year....:dance: :inlove:
looks great - I have a few questions - one is why two skimmers? isn't the 702 rated well enough to more than cover your volume? and the second is, do you know how long the battery back up (is that a computer UPS) will power they tunzes? that is a good idea - I have been thinking about getting a large automatic generator to kick in, but that will cost thousands - but on the other hand it will power everything - including furnace etc (hey - I live in michigan - it gets cold!) - ironically I live with nuclear power plants 30 minutes north of here and one 30 min. south and I have never experienced more power outages than I have here
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6340786#post6340786 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dolt
looks great - I have a few questions - one is why two skimmers? isn't the 702 rated well enough to more than cover your volume? and the second is, do you know how long the battery back up (is that a computer UPS) will power they tunzes? that is a good idea?

First off the 702 is rated for my total water volume but I am at its max for a heavly stocked tank 400+ gallons total water volume. I read about some of the sucess that people were having with ozone and i wanted to try it as well. I am not going to run ozone on a $1,600 skimmer, I cant affort to buy it again. So i got the Barr. God forbid, i would rather slowly beak down a $300 skimmer than my Deltec. Plus i hear that ozone inhibits the skimmers ability to skim to a certain degree. I want the Deltec to run free so i am not doing anything to hinder it.

The back up battery is a UPS I got it from Costco. If something goes wrong with it like salt water spray or such i know that Costco will replace it no problem. This is what i have power never goes out here except for earthquakes so i just wanted to be safe. The tripplite has a built in surge protector and more, i can't see any harm in doing it.

If power kept going out, like your area, I would look into it. Much cheaper than a whole generator. Less than $100 bucks.


Thanks for asking
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6340321#post6340321 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Nanook
Beautiful setup!!!!

Dave :thumbsup:

Thank you very much....
Gabriel...looking awesome so far!

I bet if you were to lower the 702 by "hard plumbing" the return thru the side of your sump, you would have enough room for a self cleaning head!

A set-up like yours truly deserves one...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6341232#post6341232 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Tagareef
Gabriel...looking awesome so far!

I bet if you were to lower the 702 by "hard plumbing" the return thru the side of your sump, you would have enough room for a self cleaning head!

A set-up like yours truly deserves one...


I was originally planning on getting one so i do have the space to put one in... maybe if the funds are still floating aroung next year ill pick one up...:D

Very nice stand and canopy I would like to have one built for my 540g is there any way i can get ahold of him??? Does he do this for a living and how much did yours cost if you dont mind pming me back . because i live on the east coast and i am sure it would be a arm and a leg to get it shipped.
wow! absolutely outstanding. James does such a fantastic job, and everything you've done so far is looking totally slick. can't wait to see the finished product.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6341960#post6341960 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cmulawka
Very nice stand and canopy I would like to have one built for my 540g is there any way i can get ahold of him??? Does he do this for a living and how much did yours cost if you dont mind pming me back . because i live on the east coast and i am sure it would be a arm and a leg to get it shipped.

You can create an account free with THE FREIGHT RATE COMPANY and get huge discounts on heavy weight shipping. I did it and to ship the stand to me here in L.A. will run $250 for FedEx. Dont ship CENTRAL what ever you do!

Here is Sean's thread, you would have to ask him.. he is a great guy i told him he needs to start doing this as his main job.... :D

Cost depends on a lot of factors type of doors, amount of molding etc... but he is very reasonable. I would do it again.

thanks for asking....
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6342666#post6342666 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 1diverdown
wow! absolutely outstanding. James does such a fantastic job, and everything you've done so far is looking totally slick. can't wait to see the finished product.


James does the best work! It looks better in person!

I cant wait to get this thing running either, after seeing what the Deltec did for my 60 gallon i want to cut this this baby lose on my 300...:cool:
I saw your stand at Sean's 2 days ago. It is awesome. I have a reactor also built by Scott in KC. I can't wait to see this amazing setup.
You've got so much so much invested there I really think you should get a seperate house hold power supply instead of a computer based back up, it just won't last long enough.
That is what I did for my 240 gal reef. I bought it from Kohler power systems a 12 kw, $8,000.00 installed, this removes all worries plus your home is never without power. I live in the NW and we lose power often.
Beautiful tank ,good luck.
Thank you all. I am going to get a couple hundred pounds of life rock on monday. I have to cure it but i will post pics.

As far as power goes I was thinking about getting a generator for the house just incase of an earthquake. Ill put that high on my list for 2006. After what happened to the south / south-east this year I dont want to be caught in the dark....
I just ordered a 375 and use a wavebox right now on my 125. I can't figure out why you are using the 2" slots for your overflows. Is it to keep the waves from splashing out of the top of your tank?
If so, I think you will need more than a single wavebox!
Please let me know your thinking as I can still have my tank modified.