gasman let see pics of your new corals!

I still laugh when I see the Manny McCaine. At least it's not Manny Paul. That just sounds too weird, even though they're both MDs.
Well u want it u got it!
In the spirit of the soon to be new comander in chief and his latest victory I had to buy me some critters.
Here ya go
[/IMG] :D
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12020051#post12020051 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by saltwaterfishlover
where is a pic of that green/blue you got the other day
Andy here ya go
I actually found myself a tabling acro today. After I saw Roggers I had to get one. I will have to see how it colors up.
For all u sps freaks those critters are from the democrats old tank.
just wanted to freak u guys out LOL

That tank had a nag for great colors and excellent growth.
Ok no more joking around here's the new pics.

Ok no more joking around here's the new pics.

A couple of frags that will make me smile in about 8 months-oregon tort/dustins deepwater/a purple unknown.
And my new watchdog/the polyp nipping machine certainly not for the faint of heart.

VERY NICE!! damn all you sps guys! im gonna have to start tighenting up up my water quality and get into this sps thing now lol.

that golden angel is beautiful as well as the sunburst anthias in the back, im sure that angel will have plenty of polyps to fill his appetite lol , you probably wont even notice
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12021487#post12021487 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Fish2reef
Thank you Manny, you know I have been waiting for the last one. What a beauty!
Lulio that pic just for u.;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12013702#post12013702 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
Actually this was a special order Manny and I got together and ordered them, his pieces are sick as well

First off, BEAUTIFUL! Pictures like that are the reason I check this website everyday, and why I bought my tank.

I'm still pretty green when it comes to all of this so I don't know all of the etiquette, but my 4th grade math teach told me, "The only dumb question is the one not asked." Why all the secrecy with the sources? I see lots of free promotion for the LFS's. Was this stuff from an online vendor? Or was it a friend making space? Or someone who isn't supposed to be selling to consumers?
Fleet, that was just a joke, there is no real secret, Manny and I ordered a box of corals and split the cost of shipping, you can do this with a few online vendors and you will save some money than getting it in the retail stores, it is even better if two or more people get into the deal, on the other hand if the box gets lost or delay and the corals die you eat the loss!