OK, so I took some pictures shortly after the lights came on...
I'm trying to wait out a slight algae/detritus issue and for the tank to find its "balance" while pursuing summertime hobbies. It's kinda ugly right now.
Zoom in and you'll see a little fuzz on the rocks and some Cyano. I'm not exactly sure what the "fuzz" is, but it isn't really spreading or getting thicker. Small areas of Cyano come & go.
Nitrates today read 2.5 ppm, Salifert, and phosphates are 11 ppb, Hanna ULR. I dosed potassium nitrate 5 days ago to set the nitrate level @ over 5 ppm. It has dropped quite a bit. I've been having to dose about every two weeks to keep nitrates above 0. I'm not sure what keeps it so low. I wouldn't think there is enough algae/cyano to bind it, and I'm not carbon dosing anymore. It really is just rock, a skimmer, and small water changes right now. I've even set the skimmer to a drier output. I've changed about 50 gallons sporadically over the last three months. I should do more and at a more regular basis but time is tight right now. I'm contemplating using my Litremeter III for continuous water changes. It's just sitting around right now.
I've added a dozen Astrea Snails, an Urchin, and have about 10 red-legged hermits. They seem to help keep the algae & such under control but don't eliminate it. I also use one of the RW8's power heads and a brush to get stuff off the rocks about weekly, but it comes back.
The corals that acclimated to the tank are growing quickly but have yet to color up well. I did kill a few very nice frags in the process. Expensive lesson! Interestingly, the corals that are doing the best are Maricultured rather than tank raised.
The fish seem to be healthy. The Kole Tang that showed a lot of lateral line/hole-in-the-head disease symptoms is on the mend and everyone else seems happy & healthy. I think that removing the GAC and allowing some algae to grow in the tank helped the Kole Tang recover.