GenX GX6000 - why so cheap?

I need help sizing pumps for this project. 5ft X 6ft X 30 inches. Approximately 560gallons. Here is a portion of the floor plan just to give you a visual. The filter room is 5ft X 5ft. I would have liked to make it larger but there was simply not enough room.

I would like to run one large pump for my protein skimmer(s), chiller and surge tanks.

I need about 1100 gph to EACH Surge tank at a a total heigth of 13 feet (the base of the surger will be at 9 ft and the top water heigth is 13 feet.)

In addition I will need to supply a flow comparable to two Iwaki 70 or Iwaki 100 RLT. to run two large protein skimmers.

I will also need to run a 1hp chiller.

I will be using some sort of manifold system to split the flow and so I need help to account for the losses from friction (from splitting off several times).

I will also need a separate pump for the closed loops. ( I want to run one closed loop with 3 to 4 inlets and 3 to 4 outlets instead of 3 or 4 separate closed loops but I can compromise and run 2 pumps for more redundency.

Critique is welcome.
The new Pump PA sent me is an Eco, rated at 1584 gph. This pump is extremely quite and very powerfull.Its producing probably double the flow the Genx was. Thanks for talking me into the pump Jeremy ( Customer Rep at PA ), you were right!

Hmm... not to thread or forum hijack, but I'm a bit worried hearing this. I purchased a used GenX 8500 from a fellow RC'er and will be attempting to run it with about 7-8 ft of head pressure for the new basement sump. I was hoping to get 11-1200 gph out of it, but I am now less optimistic in hearing this.

I guess this just further solidifies the saying in this hobby that it doesn't pay to save some cash...

Guess you won't know until you try it davetkoch.

Do post back with your findings though as i'd be interested in hearing them.
Sure will. I hope to be getting the sump up within the next two weeks (The acrylic guy who is building my sump won't be back from vacation until the 8th) Anyhow, I'm keeping my fingers crossed, since I'm trying to convert to a higher flow-rate, detritus removal methodology.