Geometric Pygmy Hawk


New member
Last Sunday, I purchased a geometric pygmy hawk (or hi-fin perchlet or Plectranthias inermis) and placed him in QT. I have offered a variety of frozen foods (mysis, brine shrimp, Formula One, LRS Reef Frenzy), NLS pellets, and Omega One marine flakes, but he just seems to ignore everything completely. I did not ask to see him eat at the LFS as everything I've come across seems to indicate they are eager feeders. Anyone got any advice?

Also, if I get this guy eating, has anyone ever successfully kept them as a pair or group? My display is 75 gallons.
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Go to the grocery store and get a clam and a muscle then go to LFS and get some live brine shrimp. Try the live brine and then alternate with the clam or muscle cut in half. Th en you get more of what he likes and then try frozen Mysis .
ime they are not eager feeders. I've had one for a long time eating live ghost shrimp-he still only nibbles at frozen offerings.
I tried a "mated" pair in another tank. They lasted as a pair for about a year before the more aggressive turned on the other. These two did eat frozen food but not with gusto. They'd wait for a piece to float by their hangout and zip out to grab it.
If yours doesn't eat soon I'd try the ghost shrimp.