Getting anemone to attach.

You really don't. They'll do whatever they please. If the conditions are right they'll attach to something. But they'll move to where it suits them best. Just make sure they don't get sucked into the filtration unit. Give it time.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6948745#post6948745 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Gargausius
You really don't. They'll do whatever they please. If the conditions are right they'll attach to something. But they'll move to where it suits them best. Just make sure they don't get sucked into the filtration unit. Give it time.
Thanks, well... he attached. I had my hand in there to keep him away from the power head and the overflow, but he attached. The only problem is that he attached in a space I do not want him in!

Argh.. He's in a really crammed spot pushed against the glass. He likes it there I guess, I hope he moves later on.
i just got an anenome like a week ago from my uncle, and the way he tells me they behave is if they dont like a spot they get ****ed off and swell up with water and turn themselves upside down and wait for a current to pick them up and take them somewhere else. that really doesnt help the problem but its the word on the maybe he'll just have to float around till he finds a good spot in the tank?
What I did with my Anemone is turn off your pumps and hold it to where you want it to attach for 15min or so, gets tiring but it worked for me, with the pumps off it wont float away and it will attach enough in about an hour. Then turn your pumps back on and hopefully it stays attached.
Turning the pump off will help. Sometimes moving a rock to make a nest for its bottom helps to prevent it drifting out of a good nook. It wants to be stable, but they have no mind to make up, and they process a situation very slowly. Giving them a good situation and encouraging them to 'get a grip' will help them. Anemones will otherwise go with the flow, literally, and they have an uncanny knack of finding any unshielded powerhead, a fatal mistake, with horrid results for the whole tank. Getting it settled quickly is important for its welfare. You can find mesh shielding of various sorts that will keep its tentacles out of the intake.
My powerheads are covered, but I'd rather him not get stuck to them if you know what I mean.

Well, he attached. He's just in a place I do not like him. How do I get him to move? I can't exactly move the rock... he attached himself to my biggest rock which weighs probably around 20 - 30lbs. I like him. He's kind of shrunken a bit, but I hear most new Anemone's do that in a new environment.

haha well this is also cruel I guess, take the powerhead and aim it at its base of the anemone and it will detach itself, now take it and hold it where you want, not grabbing but keeping it in place, as long as you turn all current off for a few mins it will attach pretty easily.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6950095#post6950095 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by subzero420
haha well this is also cruel I guess, take the powerhead and aim it at its base of the anemone and it will detach itself, now take it and hold it where you want, not grabbing but keeping it in place, as long as you turn all current off for a few mins it will attach pretty easily.

And in a few days ... you'll see him move to another place if he doesn't like where you put him :)
Do Anemone's like indirect or direct waterflow? Moderate or high? The place he is in right now has very little waterflow, but he appears to like it.

I'm going to make an environment suitable for him where I want him and see if he'll move there.
They like flow but not direct, so basically moderate.

If your anemone likes low flow I guess put it in a low flow place.

Very true bathel, hopefully not though!