Getting annoyed with connection or better yet, no connection

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In Memoriam
Is anyone else having connection issues between their computer and the Pro II? I am set up using the GHL USB card. I have the 5.09 software and 5.00m firmware. 5.011 doesn't connect at all, error message 28 all the time. Baud rates are at 9600. I either have no connection/not responding or very slow connect and then very slow program use, takes friggin forever for the program to respond to mouse clicks. Or..... it just goes to not responding again - locks up. This is the second computer I am trying on, same problem, so it isn't the computer. Comm number is correct. Matthias didn't have an answer for me other than maybe it is my computer - not both times - sorry! Is it the USB card? The USB cord that came with the USB card? I am using windows XP on this computer, the other computer was windows 7. Any ideas? Getting tired of waiting for support from the GHL site - if you sell in the US/Canada then your support should be in US/Canada time - not Germany with time zone differences and getting responses at 4am. I am also getting lighting effects when it is not checked in the illumination program.

GHL is a global product not just USA, the forum has to be in some time zone somewhere, it cant always be the USA sorry.

Lightening - set random to zero

Please post here your support thread link on the support forum and I will make sure it is looked at.
It sure sounds like it is either a usb card problem or a problem with the usb cord. I would try replacing the cord first and then if that does not work, I would try disconnecting the usb card and reseating it. Maybe it is not getting a good connection in the box. I would certainly try all of that before I would think about replacing the card. If none of that works, I think the next thing is to buy a usb to serial cord and try that since it would connect to something different on the back of the box. If that works, it probably is the usb card.

Just my 2 cents.

Michael, I understand GHL advertises they are global, the support isn't. Other Euopean manufacturers allow support on their Reefcentral forums from their reps because they understand that people would like a timely response to their issues. I have gone a couple days without a response on GHL (not the only person), then I get a response at 4am, then I read it at 8am and respond, and then I get another response back at 4am - you get the idea....... We aren't supposed to post requests for help on here, and you aren't supposed to assist us with technical issues I guess, but typically your responses are quick and very helpful. Oh.... and when you spend a couple thousand dollars on a piece of equipment, I don't care whether I am US, Togo or Egypt, I want and expect support when it benefits me not the manufacturer. Ask Tunze - they're global.

Random was set to zero. Thunderstorms off, no days checked.

Ken, the USB cable is GHL specific, not supposed to use third party due to warranty. Good idea on checking the card seating. I have checked the cable connections and they are tight. Thanks for the suggestions/ideas.

The fact is, I am having the same issues with two different laptops, using two different windows versions. I can't get 5.011 to work/connect (error message 28). 5.09 or other earlier versions also generate an error 28 message, a not responding message after several seconds or the operation is slow to connect and slow to respond - why? I did not have this issue with RS232 to USB connection - immediate. I can't use the RS232 due to AI light.

Appreciate your help and understanding.
As i do 99% of the support for the USA market I would appreciate yours and everyones understanding that I do not have the time to run around two forums answering questions, i am sorry if that is not the answer you wish to hear but I am human :(

If you post on the support forum and do not get an answer in a time you feel suits then email me, everyone has my email address.

I can not and will not do support on RC sorry, I made this decision a long time ago, support has to be central for eveyone to benefit not just the USA clients, we all have a lot to learn from other countries support cases also.

Please post here the support thread and I will attend to it,

Many thanks for your understanding.
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I have posted my connection issue on the GHL Profilux support forum again. Is that the correct support forum that you are referring to? Any responses I have received on there have all come from Matthias. I don't believe I have ever requested help/support through the Aqua-Digital website - sorry if that is where I should be requesting support from - my mistake then. I don't recall seeing a support tab on that website?
Bill, when you downloaded the new software did u delete the other version first? THis is a must. Also I use USB and have frequent connection problems and dropouts or the program just freezes. Its frustrating I know.

Hey Jeff,

Hmmm, not sure if I deleted first, I think I may have downloaded new and then deleted old. How do you correct that if I did it backwords - delete all versions on the laptop and then just download only the version you know works best? What is uploaded into the controller can't be deleted right, only written over? Must be their programming, annoying to be having these issues.
Just delete both had re install the newest. Same thing happened to me and I redid it and the new version worked. I still lose connection but I an use the software until it crashes. Then I close it undue the USB cable from the PC start the program back up and re connection the cable. Also go to I have used this software and have been getting updates for the last 5 hrs without losing connection.
Can you temporarily disconnect your AI system from the serial connection? If so can you connect to the PII?

I have a PIII and PII, and both of them had issues with connecting through the Lan, and even the serial connection. As soon as a new version of PC software/firmware would be released I would have new connection issues. Finally after this last rev of firmware/software my connection issues on both of my systems have been resolved. Chances are its the software, but its just nice to find out that you are not the only one having issues.

Can you try to move your USB card to a different expansion slot?
Hi AquaLab,

No its not their programming, when updating software you always delete the old verson first otherwise you leave old files behind that the new software potentially could try and use, this is standard practice.

Always uninstall before reinstalling then you will not have conflict issues which seems to be very much like you have here.

Always easy to blame the tools :) My Dremmel gets blamed for all my mistakes ;)
I understand removing the old software first - any driver update whether it is video, sound, etc.... automatically removes before uploading new version. But that is not an option with the firmware - it is loaded in the controller and has to be overwritten. That is what I was/am referring to. I had this problem after uploading the latest firmware version after already having the 5.011 software installed. seems several people who are much more adapt with their controllers are also having issues with connectivity, hence Matthias's attachment. Software issue!
This isn't a blame game - I just want to use my controller through my computer via the USB that's all. Getting tired of comming home from work, not being able to connect, being told to do this....... not working........... try again tomorrow when I get home from work........... and so on and so on. Most answers I receive are - it's me, something I did. Well..... that's OK if it is me, probably is most of the time anyway. This does not appear to be me. Frustrating and aggravating after several days of not being able to do what should be SOP, especially after it did work fine using the RS232 port. I am not the only person having this issue. I guess I just get aggravated easier/quicker since I travel frequently and require the connection to work when I am home. My wife monitors system for me when I am out of town through laptop - I call, she tells me parameters, etc...... That is why I spent $$$$$$$$$ for this system - accessability and present as well as future programming potential.
The RS485 option which Matthias linked to, worked for me. Immediate connection and response within program. I'm using 5.00m firmware version and 5.011 software version.

nanotank: give that a try, hopefully it will solve your connection issues also.

Don't necessarily agree with Matthias's reasoning that our computers don't like high speed transfer - both laptops are less than year old and 9600 Baud rate is snail speed transfer rate through a USB connection. But whatever - it worked. You might want to post that RS485 link on RC for everyone if it isn't already.
Bill, I clicked that long ago and still have dropouts with no re-connection.. I am sure you will experience it also. I am using 5.00m and also 5.011. let me know if you do not have dropouts though as then I will start to wonder.
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