Getting another clam to replace a lost one.


Premium Member
ok, those of you that have followed my other thread about the clam that didn't make is the one i am getting tomorrow to replace the maxima i lost


quite the beauty IMO. i woul dhave gotten one of the other sweet ones on thier site but they are TOO BIG (5" or more) this guy is ~3.5-4" and will fit much better

anyone have comments? i think it is SWEET looking.

will update you guys tomorrow when i get it in. i am planning on placing it in the shell of the one i lost ( :( ) and then surround it in sand so that it isn't exposed to anything...good idea? or should i jsut let it attach to the piece of LR i have burried in the sand right now?


Looks like a good choice to me.

As far as mounting it on the shell, not a bad idea. That way if you need to move it, for any reason, it is easy.

Keep us updated.

i think it looks AWESOME. it was shipped out and is on its way!!! YIPPIE. should be NICE and healthy!!

i am thinking i am going to let it attach to the piece of LR i have burried in the sand. it is in there already and should be a nice spot for the clam to attach. also i can move it is only like 3"x 2" or so...should be easy to move and fit.

i will keep you updated!! LOTS OF PICS TO COME. :lol:

this guy should become a great addition to my reef...i have been dreaming of clams FOREVER :(

thanks everyone
Lunchbucket, you will need to consider that this clam is going to grow in your tank. If 3.5" is okay but 5" is not what are you going to do when it gets to be that big or bigger? It won't get that big overnight but in time it will.
Just some thoughts that come to mind.
oh never mind, saw your other post. I have a bad feeling about RM products. I really do hate wild caught
srfmon - it WILL fit a 5" i just would RATHER have it grow there instead of be that large to begin w/ it covered man :D

I saw that one at RM and had thought my friend might liike it.
I love the place.

Psst. Ask for teh 1" Maximas, they are one of the coolest things I've seen.
that clam wasn't supposed to be up on thier site. it was supposed to be mine and only mine. just a little slip up my Chris...good thing i still got it though. i had it since last thurs (spoken for)

thanks i am VERY HAPPY w/ this guy.

he is FULLY extended and looks great. i will get more pics in a day or 2

Oh that is great news. Mine is finally attached to his piece of rock, after turning in circles (never knew which way he was going to be facing next lol) I guess he was checking out the rest of the tank.

I bet you are just about jumping up and down with joy. I was last saturday lol. ;)