Getting back in the game


New member
Hey it's been awhile since I've had a proper reef and I've never had a build thread. I'm going to get back into the game with a sps reef.

So far here's what's on the way

Cadlights artisan 70g with their skimmer, sump, return, stand.
Ecotech radion pro with rms mount (getting a wide lense) if this doesn't cover I'm going to add one once tank is getting full of coral.
2 mp40qds

I'm ordering 60 pounds of sound and 50 pounds of reef saver rock and Microbacter 7 as soon as aquacave states a Memorial Day sale. Also a heater and salt.

I already have 5 stage rodi, 1 heater, and a refracometer.

Anything I must have from the start I'm missing? I'm thinking I have the basics covered pretty well. I want to add a bio pellet reactor within a month of the tank getting wet. I'm
Going to try and keep it simple yet effective and see how it goes.
I'm also hoping I don't end up posting a Cadlights horror story since they are almost impossible to get ahold of.
Sounds like a good game plan, post some pics of the setup whenever you get the chance:) Cheers, look forward to seeing the tank come to life :)
I'll post pics as it comes in. The lights will be here 2morrow. Cadlights told me over the phone the 70g is out of stock but they are expecting it within 2 days so I'll see about that. The vortechs are shipping out today so I should get them shortly.

I'm about to order my rock and sand but I want to wait for some dealer to run a special for Memorial Day but then again I also want to go ahead and get it haha. What's the best dealer?
Had my tank up and running a few weeks now. Have about 15 frags growing. I believe this dry rock is leaking phosphates pretty bad. My ati test kit isn't showing high phosphates but it's also a cheap kit and probably wrong. I'm battling algae pretty bad. Going to do a big water change 2morrow.

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You can see the algae growth on the bottom and the bare spots where the snails are doing work. The rocks are also brown and covered in it.

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