Premium Member
How do you like that HOB filter? Would you recommend it to your friends?
Nope, only my arch-nemesis No seriously, so far it seems to do the trick. I had a few specifics I was looking for that are different than most people. I didn't care about the pump being in tank vs in the filter since it's hidden behind rock work. Many might not like that. I wanted something as small and compact as possible. I have large sheets of filter floss I'll probably use after the initial filters are used. The thing is literally only 1.5-2" wide, which leaves most nano guys with few options in retrofit (rubble rock or macro algae being common). My actual primary requirement was a near zero splash unit. Since my water level is lower in the tank (~2" or so from rim), most of the HOB units would be a mess. This one hangs down into the tank quite a bit further than most.
One thing I really like is the the pump being outside and the valve to throttle flow in the filter unit itself, that offering a lower stress setup for the pump hopefully making it last a bit longer. Most HOB throttle the pump input, stressing the pump over time.