Hey Guys, it's been a long time since I have been able to give an update. With work, traveling, and getting this animal set up its been hectic.
So the tank has water, is cycled, and what remains of the fish are in. Of the 30 or so fish that I started with only 3 remain. The fish were being held at Hydra and had a breakout of apparently multiple issues. I lost the majority over a 2 week period or so and decided to move what was left of the fish to Elite Marinelife in Pompano. To begin medicating and quarantining. At this point I only had the two Foxface, Blue Hippo, Unicorn, purple, Naso, Morish, and a wrasse. The fish were on deaths door when I took them up there. One foxface died during the trip, the blue hippo died shortly after. Matt and Lance were awesome and ended up nursing the others back to health. The other foxface was so badly covered in parasites that although he was somewhat healthy now both eyes had holes in them and he was blind. We ended up putting him down as he wasn't eating anymore. I sold the Wrasse so all I have left are the Unicorn, Naso, and Purple. We also picked up 8 clowns to add as well (2 picasso, 2 midnight, 2 Wyoming white, 2 black percs).
Lights are hung on a sliding track that allows me to move them back and forth either to make changes to the fixtures or access the top of the tank. I used a flexible wire tray to keep all of the wiring together and allow movement back and forth"¦.
The apex is up and running although I am in the middle of routing all of the power cables to the correct locations"¦..
On a surprising note, the view into my daughters room is mirrored so you cannot see in. Likewise if she is in her room she can not see out into the living room because of the mirrored effect. That was pretty cool and I wasn't expecting it.
List of things still to do"¦.
1. Refugium. Planning on using the far left portion of my sump for Chaeto fed by a separate pump pulling from the return section of the sump. I'm also planning on having a separate tank or trough for miracle mud and mangroves.
2. Denitrator
3. Kalk stirrer
4. ATO. Im tired of topping off by 5 gallon buckets
5. AWC
6. UV sterilizer
Here are some additional pics"¦..
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