Fish are good a few fatalities but water quality has been on par so I attribute that to a new tank start up.
Everything is working as planned within reason. Some minor adjustments a tweaks here and there.
Hiccups - yes a few
- The 100 micron cotton filter socks seem to clog up in 48 hours so I have switched to the mesh socks. If that does not work I will have to reduce the flow rate.
- Where the overflows drain into the sump, the chamber cause a mini protein skimmer to due to the lack of air gaps. To eliminate this I added a 1" bulkhead with a piped connection to the floor drain to allow the air to escape and any bi product to drain.
- The digital thermometer I had within 2 weeks started raising the temperature our of tolerance. I played within for 2 weeks and decided to order a new one. - not gonna badmouth the manufacturer.
I did have decided to make some changes and additions:
- I am going to add a USB battery powered duel air pump as a safety protocol. It will only go on in the case of a power outage. I plan on putting the 2 stones in the display tank. If it works as plan I will buy a second single unit to put in the sump so it can be saved as well. Amazingly these units are cheap only $35, run for 24hrs, can run off any USB external battery (such as ones for your phone) and can be charged in the car. Ideal for hurricane season.
- I am going to relocate the controller for the chiller from the attic to the area next to the calcium controller. This will allow all the controls to be in one place.
Thats about it for now. I will start getting some coral soon so stay tuned.