getting fish in the philippines


New member
I'm going to the philippines for six weeks in July and I was wondering about getting fish, or better yet corals there. Is there any way to get a permit so I can bring things back legally? I also know there are places in Indonesia where they have large coral farms where things can be purchased cheep. Does anyone know of such a place in the Philippines?
the best way to do it would be to find a fish collector importer already established in that area who would allow you to ollect your own critters on their permits for a fee,this can usually be arranged,i can pretty much guarantee you that trying to get your own permits and worse yet cites permits to bring them into the US would be a total nightmare and no way worth the trouble,if you deal with your local fish shop alot you might see if they have a supplier of phillipine fish,and if so see if they can arrange to hook you up,maybe you can even cllect some pieces for them, fish probably wouldnt work but having someone hand select cherry corals might be a nice motivator,however im not sure about exort of coral from the phillipines.