I need to clear out some stock as I have some extra dosers here so I've put together a package that really saves a ton of cash. I've bundled the P3 Starter Pack with either a Slave 3 or Slave 4 Doser for a really low price ($964 or $999). This is a pack exclusive to us so were offering it up to our favorite forums

Kit Includes:
"¢Profilux 3 Controller
"¢Dosing Unit (either 3 or 4 pump model, please select below)
"¢6 Outlet Digital Powerbar (PAB)
"¢Power Supply
"¢GHL Temperature Probe
"¢GHL Ph Probe
"¢PC Interface Cable RS232
"¢USB Cable
"¢2m PAB Cable
"¢Calibration Solutions for Ph7 and Ph9
Check out this link for purchase!