ghstrider's custom 150 build thread

Bought all the materials for the stand/canopy yesterday. Pine frame and real (expensive) cherry wood for exterior. Heres a pic of the frame materials... Im excited as hell!!!! Oh and my neighbor said since his work has slowed he MAY take up his woodwork hobby and do it as a side business. I'll post pics as it goes

Oye... looks like its going to be awesome!!! Keep the pics coming!!
Hope everything is well with you and the Family.
Congrats bro!

Wassup man? All is good over here with a little one coming for Xmas. Hows the family and your little one?


I'll keep the pics coming. The stand should be done within 2 months.

Good luck... I'm starting the process of build and putting together everything now. Everything is going well but i got freaked out when i have gotten the quotes back for the stand and canopy. How much will the stand and canopy cost you?
Not sure... Bought all the materials but havent discussed labor. Like i said, my neighbor is doi g it for me and we've helped each other out on numerous occasions so who knows. One thing i do know is this will be a one of a kind piece of furniture.
guys, if anyone sees any of the following angels at any LFS please gimme a shout...

False Personifier

I'd like to put 1 maybe 2 of these in my 150 and know they are tough to come by but they do pop up from time to time.

Thanks to RC I found a Reeflo Snapper bnib for $110 shipped. Paid and should be here next week. One more piece to the puzzle is solved.

And tank is at the neighbors where he's starting the canopy. Things are moving along nicely.
Nice setup you got going there man!

You have a good selection of angels already. The Idols are difficult to keep so good luck. So are the multibars so keep her fat and healthy. I've got a trio and they are really cool to watch. The smallest one is a little over an inch and is great.

I got your PM, but I would get everything settled in more before adding anything else. I know its not what you want to hear, but you've got a big bioload in your 72 now and a lot of these angels need a very stable established tank to thrive in captivity and your selecting some fish that are tough to care for...

I would get your tank setup and running solid with out new additions for 6 months or so so you can see how everything goes before adding anything else. Then you can watch the market and grab what you see as the best addition. The scribbles are a sick fish but get big and can be aggressive, the Merdithi are cool as well but you really want the full male mask with a meredithi and you probably wont get it without a mate for it. I would go BlueLine. they add a lot of character and a very nice look!

Good luck man and i'll keep checking in to see how things are progressing!
Thanks for the input Ryan. I think the ive given up on the idol so thats out. My multibarred has been in the tank like two months and hes a monster and eats anything i feed. All my angels are feeding very well and get along with minimum to no hostility. My new setup should be operational in 2 months so my plan was to search for scribbled blueline etc til then and if i found the right specimen then setup a QT for him and get him ready to go in the new tank with the rest of the clan in December. Let me know if u hear of any of these fish becoming available from a trusted source.
Im gonna put in a good check valve in w a ball valve in front of it so i can easily swap out the check valve like once a year w a new one. Im figuring if i just keep the valve somewhat new i shouldnt have a failure problem.
Im gonna put in a good check valve in w a ball valve in front of it so i can easily swap out the check valve like once a year w a new one. Im figuring if i just keep the valve somewhat new i shouldnt have a failure problem.

I was going to do that as well as try the one that eon showed.
Heres my 55gal QT setup for my new Scribble (whos in a airplane to Miami right now and should be here by lunch)... Oh and I know I need more LR so if anyone has some let me know.

Thanks Lester for lending me the tank, stand and lights!!! I appreciate it homie.
