i purchased this megachrome crystal bulb, its color doesn't do what a radium does for your tank. not the same sparkle,
here is a picture of it on my tank, see the green algae on the rocks well thats now all over my sand to this happened after changing to this bulb.
the one great thing about this bulb if you do like the color is it will last 3 years. thats a great life span for a bulb. but it does grow algae really well, which is not good. and i feel it needs an actinic with it. i will most likely be replacing this new bulb.
above is after 2 weeks of this bulb being over my tank, before that my sand was always white. this is two days of not cleaning.
not happy at all with this bulb, get the radium, if your ballast will run it. if not save your money and buy a new ballast and a radium 20k bulb.
i have also ran the phoenix bulb on my tank, its a bit bluer than i like but doesn't cause theses algae issues either. between the 3 bulbs i prefer the look of the
radium. i don't use attics just the 150w halide is over my tank.