Glad my friend stopped by to look at my new set up yesterday afternoon


Glad my friend stopped by to look at the tank yesterday afternoon. he has the same Fluval Evo 13.5 I do. He noticed what i suspected, that the return pump either was not pumping properly or at all. He told me how to take it out, and put it in a bucket of salt water, and it was not pumping. He told me how to take it apart, said you'll need to know this for monthly maintenance anyway, I had to learn the hard way... took the one cover off, pulled out impeller, we both thought it looks ok, put it back together and still didn't pump. Took off cover again, he said use this thin screwdriver and turn the impeller a few times, put it back together again and now it pumps good. he also adjusted the protien skimmer a little, said it is probably a good thing you had that running even though it was set too high, since you put fish in and the return pump was playing dead. 36 hours after putting my beautiful Clarkii Clowns in, they are happy and swimming around, only hid the fist night, corals are happy and now have the pump, power head and skimmer working as they should. Excuse the one snail for photobombing the picture, but the latest picture of it. Snail is in the lower right corner of glass. Only thing is i wish the temperature was slightly lower, wish it was 78 degrees instead of 79.5 or 80 but it is stable.


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Sometimes when a pump seizes up, it's because of calcium buildup in the impeller housing. A soak in regular old vinegar should help.

I wouldn't be too concerned about your temperature. Back in the 90s to early 2000s it was common for us to run our tanks 80-82.
Just did the water test after 40 hours of my 2 Clarkii clowns were added

Nitrite.0.02 and probably closer to 0.01 since there was barely any color change but to be conservative im calling it 0.02 and nitrate 2.
Got an ammonia test kit just to be safe last night, and as I figured the ammonia is 0. Tested it a little bit ago before going to mcdonalds for some really healthy chicken mcnuggets.... and still 0 as expected, and after almost 70 hours after the Clarkii clowns were moved in. Looks like should be all set now. Maybe it's time to stop pushing the envelope and let everyone get used to their new home.