Glad to see the site up!!!

The tank pics on the stars website are not of any member tanks. They are just some pics the person that made the site used. I would love it if we could get that site finished and able to use it. That is one thing that really needs attention as discussed at the last meeting. :wave:
I think Andrey took that pic! I do alot of modeling for her. She pays pretty well for the prints, especially the underwear ones. :)

Steffen Sparks

I remember you paying me for the prints, get it right lol! Do I need to copyright that picture? And please don't pose in your spidey undies...eewww!

I am with Strayvoltage, I would love to see the website updated and more interactive for the club members.

I still got it!!! :)

Steffen Sparks
This pic was taken at the Hard Rock Casino in front of Toby Keith bar and grill at Tulsa Oklahoma! Is that getting out more? lol

Steffen Sparks
Pics are up Erik hope you like!!! Sorry still was trying to figure out her camera. lol

Steffen Sparks