glass drilling?


New member
i recall wombat2 writing up or linking a glass drilling link a long while ago. i'm planning on drilling the 90g tank that i bought from sam (bluenassarius) with a few overflow holes using a dremel and was curious as to what bits were recommended.

i found this site but don't know if those are what anyone who has actually drilled glass would recommend. anyway, if anyone has any thoughts, please let me know!

Re: glass drilling?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6926077#post6926077 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by yoshiod9
i found this site

That's exactly how I do it Danny. :D I take it outside and use a garden hose trickling down the glass, or do it in the sink if it's small enough. You need to use a LOT of water. You can't overdo the water.
i just test drilled a 10 gallon yesterday... just use a diamond tipped bit, and go slowly... i didnt use a garden hose, but just sprayed water with a spray bottle as i drilled along
If you are in a hurry, Harbor Freight sells a diamond bit set with a lot of bits for about $7 or so. No great quality, but I have drilled several holes using a couple of the ones in the kit.

I got a 38mm diamond bit that you can use if you like to borrow it, require a drill though. I used it to drill a hole for my new sump on Monday. We just spray tons of water while drilling and it turned out great.
i just went out to HD and picked up a few different bits. one is made specifically for drilling glass (shaped like a shovel...just with sharp edges and point) and the others are the diamond bits that i linked to. i'm hoping that they'll work out well. i've read a few different articles on drilling glass and the most often repeated things i've read are that you need to go slowly and use plenty of water. :) i'm going to practice on some thinner glass before going to the real thing! thanks again for the help and thanks for the offer little_d!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6927138#post6927138 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by yoshiod9
i just went out to HD and picked up a few different bits. one is made specifically for drilling glass (shaped like a shovel...just with sharp edges and point) and the others are the diamond bits that i linked to. i'm hoping that they'll work out well. i've read a few different articles on drilling glass and the most often repeated things i've read are that you need to go slowly and use plenty of water. :) i'm going to practice on some thinner glass before going to the real thing! thanks again for the help and thanks for the offer little_d!

You know the bits in the article you linked are for a Dremel tool, not a drill, right?
Same way as Matt... I drilled a 40 AGA for a 1-1/2" bulkhead out of my sump. Go slow, use a little water, and go slow. Did I mention you should go slow? Worked like a charm and I didn't even break it!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6927478#post6927478 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wombat2
You know the bits in the article you linked are for a Dremel tool, not a drill, right?

they're for a dremel?! ...

just kidding. ;)

yeah, i've got a drill and a dremel that i am going to test out the glass bits on and see which i like better.

thanks for the words of advice rich and tristan...i'll make sure to go slow...really slow and test the shovel style drill bit (and probably not use it!).
Just be careful of glass shards, especially if you use a towel underneath the tank....they can be really sharp and dangerous!
funny guy, eben!! hey, did i leave the pvc at your place? i NEED it and i'm not going to HD to buy another 10ft section for only 1ft of it. lol. also, the iwaki came in...woot! yeah...i'm just gonna call you.