Meaning I value your opinion.... I understand your reply on reading. I like you are retired and do have time on my hands. I had my own business(high end home builder) that time I would follow... for the most part my accountants advice,but...I didn't read the tax laws,...if I go to my doctor...I don't brush up on medical practices ect.ect.
I would like to know more about your methods...your tank speaks volumes and I have asked a few post back for links to your methods,...I Would read more on how you system works if I could find the info,...I googled your name as you have directed but could only find information on various awards for your tank, hard information. I have read and followed your thread here on RC,... apparently you are not allowed to post certain info.

So loooong story short... I do read information, if I cannot get my questions answered to my satisfaction.

I have the utmost respect for Randy Holmes,...but I tend to drift off on some of the chemistry stuff... I prefer to just ask a direct question vs. a 20 page read...just me being me. Anyhow have a great day Glenn...I'll continue following your thread and might have a question of you now and again.---Rick