GlennF's 1500 liter mixed reef tank

Thanks Glenn...Unique Corals have the US license to sell their products...sometimes its faster to ask a question than read an entire book :)---Rick

And how do I get my tank to look like yours?
Thanks Glenn...Unique Corals have the US license to sell their products...sometimes its faster to ask a question than read an entire book :)---Rick
Sure .. but when you want to succeed you need to do some research reading.
Meaning I value your opinion.... I understand your reply on reading. I like you are retired and do have time on my hands. I had my own business(high end home builder) that time I would follow... for the most part my accountants advice,but...I didn't read the tax laws,...if I go to my doctor...I don't brush up on medical practices ect.ect.
I would like to know more about your methods...your tank speaks volumes and I have asked a few post back for links to your methods,...I Would read more on how you system works if I could find the info,...I googled your name as you have directed but could only find information on various awards for your tank, hard information. I have read and followed your thread here on RC,... apparently you are not allowed to post certain info.:(
So loooong story short... I do read information, if I cannot get my questions answered to my satisfaction.:) I have the utmost respect for Randy Holmes,...but I tend to drift off on some of the chemistry stuff... I prefer to just ask a direct question vs. a 20 page read...just me being me. Anyhow have a great day Glenn...I'll continue following your thread and might have a question of you now and again.---Rick
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Meaning I value your opinion.... I understand your reply on reading. I like you are retired and do have time on my hands. I had my own business(high end home builder) that time I would follow... for the most part my accountants advice,but...I didn't read the tax laws,...if I go to my doctor...I don't brush up on medical practices ect.ect.
I would like to know more about your methods...your tank speaks volumes and I have asked a few post back for links to your methods,...I Would read more on how you system works if I could find the info,...I googled your name as you have directed but could only find information on various awards for your tank, hard information. I have read and followed your thread here on RC,... apparently you are not allowed to post certain info.:(
So loooong story short... I do read information, if I cannot get my questions answered to my satisfaction.:) I have the utmost respect for Randy Holmes,...but I tend to drift off on some of the chemistry stuff... I prefer to just ask a direct question vs. a 20 page read...just me being me. Anyhow have a great day Glenn...I'll continue following your thread and might have a question of you now and again.---Rick
Ok.. thanks. My native laguage is dutch.
Although i manage with english, some espression i am not familiar with.

As mentioned before i can't risk doing that.
I will just share my tank picture with you.

I understand, i hate reading to. I am more a do'er than a reader. Most user manual stay in the box untill i really need it.
You can ask anything you like.
If it's not to much at one time i can free some time to elaborate

November the tank wil be running 11 year without water changes!

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I understand,...sometimes when I reread my postings... I confused myself. lol...but I do admire your technique and would read more on it if I could.---Rick
Hey Glenn...I'm making some progress on information tracking...and will read all I find... your method peeks my interest :beer:
My present issue is my lighting, with tank depth. My tank is 106cm top of water to top of sand. I want to end up with a mixed reef, I'm thinking sps down 60 to 76cm and lps the rest of the way down. What would you suggest I light it with. I would use t5 but I don't think I would get the needed par. With my hood, large hps will not work (have 2x 250w hps now) most likely I will go LED...kind of thinking ATI Hydra,... I would be interested in your thoughts.
Thanks in advance.---Rick
I have no experience other than T5 units.

Sps colors best with T5 only in the first 35 cm and some up to 60cm depth.

I suppose a hybrid fixture will be the best solution for that depth.
Make sure not to turn up the white led light to fast. When you see lps tissue at the top turn light/transaparent you know it is to much to fast. Even sps can turn white and eventually bleach.
I have seen i happen many time here in the LFS.
They turn op the white led to fast and to high.