GlennF's 1500 liter mixed reef tank

Glenn how many tanks do you have? How many litres each of them and how do you run them?

PS easy reef is also amazing
6 reeftanks
- My DSR mainreef 1200l
- Butterfly reef 200l
- shallowreef 140l
= One systeem, 1 skimmer, 1 sump, FullDSR maintained system

- EZ550 Reef 550l - EZ maintained system with small skimmer
- DymReef 550l - dymico testsystem
- OfficeReef 195l - EZ maintained system, nosump, no skimmer
Good morning reefers
I am a happy reefer🤣
EZ reef is looking fantastic Glenn. What, if anything, are you doing differently to keep nutrients in check with no sump and skimmer.?
EZ reef is looking fantastic Glenn. What, if anything, are you doing differently to keep nutrients in check with no sump and skimmer.?

I am also curious what makes the EZ550 easy? I am always interested in what new ideas you have come up with Glenn.

EZ reef is looking fantastic Glenn. What, if anything, are you doing differently to keep nutrients in check with no sump and skimmer.?
We are talking about 2 different tanks.

1 - EZ550reef 150x80x45cm running without water changes for 2 years now only just recently switched to EaZy mode (28feb2017).

It was a expertimental NPS tank before.
I aborted the test after 1 year, because it was not sustainable enough. I had some great results in growth and extending the live of some species, but still lost the mayority of it at the end.

Now i target a mixed reef again and it's going just fine.

2- office tank 110x40x 45cm . 194 liters. this is small tank for experiment
Has been running for 2 year without waterchanges and skimmer.
Just experimental dosings and a powerfilter.
It's not a SPS tank and not intended to be also. Once in a while i do some experiments by introducing some waste frags from my mainreef. These experiments are to improve "stuff"....

EZ550 reef:

Office200 reef:
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Hehe, Glenn your Easy Mode EZ550 still looks better than 99% of the tanks you see on here :thumbsup:

That is why I was curious what defined it as being easy. In other words what are you still doing, and what has fallen by the wayside as being too much trouble.
Hehe, Glenn your Easy Mode EZ550 still looks better than 99% of the tanks you see on here [emoji106]

That is why I was curious what defined it as being easy. In other words what are you still doing, and what has fallen by the wayside as being too much trouble.
Thanks m8

EaZy = about doing minimal to archieve a sustainable hobby.
Most people get a "reefingburnout" after a while.
I don't , because i love to make everything easygoing.

Instead of weekly water changes, I like to find out what make that mandatory. So I remove the reason for that (imo) annoying and time consuming routine which i hate.

In my EZ system i reduced everything to "baseline" dosings and i rely a little bit on the self regulating mechanism of a healthy reeftank. If it's not the case, the dosings will help the reef to become healthy.

Measurement are just for the basic values and far less frequent than my 1425L mainreef.

This is working just fine for me
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My butterfly reef after 5 months on full led



How do you interpret those results Glenn? To my eyes, it looks like you have lost some colour. Growth looks to be reasonable, but the colours seem to have darkened with the individual corals all being tinted a bit towards brown.

Can you expand more on what kind of dosing you do? Most of us are used to weekly/monthly water changes and attention paid to our protein skimmers. I'd love to hear more about your methods in the large tank.
How do you interpret those results Glenn? To my eyes, it looks like you have lost some colour. Growth looks to be reasonable, but the colours seem to have darkened with the individual corals all being tinted a bit towards brown.

Growth is OK

Colors are washedout from the sideview.
I set the camera darker to show the colors remaining.
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Can you expand more on what kind of dosing you do? Most of us are used to weekly/monthly water changes and attention paid to our protein skimmers. I'd love to hear more about your methods in the large tank.
I can't go to much on details because it's not allowed. I am no sponsor in here.

I do have commercial interest, because product for my method are sold in dutch LFS.

I had one thread deleted already, because of being straightforward/outspoken about it.

Now I just share my ideas and solutions to inspire reefers to look further than oldskool thoughts.

I have no intention to travel and expand, because i an already retired since 2008. This is about sharing and settling a new reefing standard.
In the netherlands it's already common practice to ommit WC.
Given the recent developments in GBR, we can't afford to waist resources and need to optimize on our waistfull reefkeeping habbits.
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