I had one for 3.5 years, but not in a reef. Gorgeous fish and definitely one of my favourites, but it's also tricky to keep. It's a very shy fish, which makes feeding it difficult. It is easily spooked by other tankmates. It also has a smaller mouth compared to other angels. It took me about 3 weeks to get it feeding properly. It didn't take prepared food the first few days. I noticed that it was picking at tiny things off the rocks and glass though. So, I decided to try feeding it daphnia. It went for the daphnia with gusto! After a week, I started mixing mysis shrimp with the daphnia and day by day put in more mysis and less daphnia. Eventually, it was feeding on the mysis regularly without coaxing. Even so, it still rarely came out in the open if anyone was watching the tank. It was just too shy.