Golden Dwarf Moray (Gymnothorax Melatremus)


Approximately one month ago, I picked up an awesome tiny Golden Dwarf Moray from a LFS. He had been at this store for over 8 months, and the bright yellow color was the brightest I had ever seen on these species. The eel is eating very well (PE Mysis), and his colors are still vibrant yellow. My question has to do with the twitching of the head. Every so often, this eel will start twitching his head, and this continues every few seconds. Is this normal behavior for these eels? I tried to research this, but I could not find much information. Most of the information that I found indicated that this might be a normal behavior for these eels, but I wanted to ask on this forum to see if any one can give me more concrete information. He is in a 75 gallon tank with a couple of small peaceful fish. These fish have not shown any signs of flukes or any other disease that I can tell from observing. They do not show any sign of twitching or rubbing. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
I've had mine for years. It was proactively treated with Cupramine and Prazipro (along with all the other fish) before going into one of my tanks. It also has been doing that twitching and I have yet to find any indication that there is any parasites/flukes in that tank. So is it normal? Maybe.
i own an adult skeletor eel that does the head shake alot. totally normal, looks like the eel is having a mini siezure. nothing to be concerned about. had this eel for 3 years now with zero issues.
I would say no to the "sniffing" as he acts very different when food is put into the tank and he searches is out.
FishinABarrel, are your goldens in the same tank? are they a pr or is your tank big enough for 2

They were sold to me as a bonded pair but after I put them in my tank they were fighting. One got ripped up pretty good so I moved it to another tank. I don't know if I should try to re-introduce it in the other tank. I'm scared one might killed.
My Dragon twitches her head as well. It can be a little alarming, but she's always done it, so until it becomes an issue I wouldn't consider it odd at all.
Yes, I'd really like to see it. And if someone could add the appropriate head banging music to match the head twitching action, that would be good.
Here's a pic of one of my goldens. Sorry it's kinda crappy, my phone cam really doesn't like actinic lighting for some reason.


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