Approximately one month ago, I picked up an awesome tiny Golden Dwarf Moray from a LFS. He had been at this store for over 8 months, and the bright yellow color was the brightest I had ever seen on these species. The eel is eating very well (PE Mysis), and his colors are still vibrant yellow. My question has to do with the twitching of the head. Every so often, this eel will start twitching his head, and this continues every few seconds. Is this normal behavior for these eels? I tried to research this, but I could not find much information. Most of the information that I found indicated that this might be a normal behavior for these eels, but I wanted to ask on this forum to see if any one can give me more concrete information. He is in a 75 gallon tank with a couple of small peaceful fish. These fish have not shown any signs of flukes or any other disease that I can tell from observing. They do not show any sign of twitching or rubbing. Any information would be greatly appreciated.