Earlier this year I caught my Goldflake Angels spawning one night. I have lots of contacts in the hobby and nobody has ever heard of Goldflake Angels spawning in captivity (ever).
Tonight while heading upstairs to bed at midnight I caught the Goldflakes getting a little frisky. I grabbed my cell phone and managed to catch not 1 but 2 pairs of angels spawning - in less than 90 seconds (the video is 100% unedited).
This tank also has a trio of spawning Bellus Angels, a trio of spawning Flameback angels and last week for the first time ever I caught my Venustus angels spawning.
Here's a chance for you to see something that perhaps nobody else ever has until tonight.
Tonight while heading upstairs to bed at midnight I caught the Goldflakes getting a little frisky. I grabbed my cell phone and managed to catch not 1 but 2 pairs of angels spawning - in less than 90 seconds (the video is 100% unedited).
This tank also has a trio of spawning Bellus Angels, a trio of spawning Flameback angels and last week for the first time ever I caught my Venustus angels spawning.
Here's a chance for you to see something that perhaps nobody else ever has until tonight.