Gone Macro Happy...


New member
Yes it is true... I have become macro obsessed. Is there a ReefCentral Macro Photography Obsession Support Group?

In the meantime, here was my latest critter find in the macro photography world. The photo is only so so... really need to get my ring light working so I can improve my depth of field. Also need to dig out the 100mm macro so I can focus on objects more than 3" from the front glass of the tank.


Anyone have a clue what this one is? I assume its the larval stage of something... it is a little less than 1/4" long from one end to the other.

Wow- that is a cool shot. Was that not with a macro lens? If so, double wow :p
Is there a ReefCentral Macro Photography Obsession Support Group?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
The equipment used to take the picture was:

Canon FD 50mm F1.4 non-macro lens
Canon FD Auto Bellows
Canon FD-EOS Adapter
Canon 20D (EOS) Digital Camera

The lens is a stock 50mm lens, not a macro lens. The FD-EOS adapter was designed to allow the older FD manual focus telephoto lenses to work with the newer EF (EOS) camera bodies. This is probably not the best set up.

The Bellows go between the camera and the lens. It can expand to about 10" or down to about 1.5". This allows standard lenses to act as macro's and be focused, though the focusing distance is quite limited on stock lenses.

Very interesting. Maybe not the ideal set-up but you certainly make it work for you- that is a lot of magnification and still really sharp. Not an easy thing to accomplish.