good place to find macroalgae?


New member
Hey hey!
I just finished moving and put my 110 gal back up. Does anyone know a good place to buy chaetomorpha and feather caulerpa for the refugium? or how about a good selection of marine plants in the area? thanks in advanced....
most people here if they have cheato could just clip some off for you, mine gets pretty large quite fast and its quite dense, and usually has some other types of algae growing with it as well, although i dunno if you want to drive down to miami, im sure theres people closer to you
I've got chaeto for free if you want some. You can swing by this evening to pick it up. I can give you a sandwich bag full.

Let me know.

free? what's that mean?
LOL.. i'm sure everybody here can relate on how many thousands we've spent on our tanks; "free" is a foreign word.
Thanks for the kindness guys!