I am dealing directly with an aquaculturer now. Im supposed to get a couple babies next week. Your best bet IMO is to do the same. I cant give contact info out yet, sorry
Barry at clams direct probably can get you what you want.
The very small clams 1-1.5cm range are really baby(seed) clams and are very labile to shipping. Some were obtained from Hawaii by a RC member about 1 yr ago. Haven't heard of their success to date.
Most clams shipped for purchase are >1 in. These are over a 1yr old in most species. They still are very difficult to keep alive for the average aquarist. They are however available.
The reason most are sold at 2+inches is that they have a better track record in the average aquarists tanks and yet small enough to provide years of growth for their owner.
Go to http://www.thelogicalreef.com/index.html . He usually has some great clams. The ones in stock are 2-2.5, but he lives very close to ORA and can possibly get you some smaller ones. Send him an email and see if he can do something for you. His name is Bryan and he is the kindest person I have ever dealt with in any online transaction. HTH Good Luck!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Oh yeah, I got a 1" maxima from Menard at http://www.reefaholics.org/Sale/default.htm . He doesn't have any fish or inverts listed on his website, but if you email him he also might be able to get you one. He also has A LOT of nice acros, and A LOT of nice acros not listed on his site. His site is also not up to date, so if you see something that you want and it says currently unavailable then ask him about it. He just might have it.
Thanks saltyseaman. If you don't mind me asking, how much did the little one cost? You can PM me if that works better, any reply would be much appeciated.
Those are a good size, too bad they cost as much as maximas that are around 2"-2.5", I was thinking it'd be a bit cheaper at around 1", but since it goes up to 2" for that size range I guess that offsets it. BTW anybody in NorCal want to possibly pool an order if we can find a place that sells them for a good price?
Try Justphish.com. They have nice selections of crocea. I just bought one and I love it. It's about 2.5" and super green! I bought clean-up package ($60 minimum) and added a crocea for a shipping of $3.99!
Sorry, I didn't mean to leave anyone hanging. There are sponsors on the BB that sell them. I don't think I can list names. If you check the sponsor pages, I'm sure you'll be successful. Adam
I talked to my connection. He said they have been really busy and are going to ship either by wednesday or the beginning of next week. I am getting them for free
If you want, I can ask him if he will sell to individuals. He is selling to me because I know the owner of the business, which is located in Hawaii.
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