GoPro snorkel videos from Kauai


New member
Wife and I went to Kauai, HI for our honeymoon. I decided to snorkel all the beaches/ reefs to find the best spots. As I edit the videos for each spot, I will upload here.
First up:
dolphins from a Zodiac boat trip. 1:38 runtime
Koloa Landing Boat Ramp 2:01 runtime
Koloa Landing was by far the best spot to snorkel. There were tons of fish, huge coral colonies and lots of coral coverage. There was even a giant sea turtle when I was there. This video includes yellow tangs, kole tangs, potters angel, unicorn tangs, morish idols, naso tangs, orange shoulder tangs, and a HUGE school of convict tangs.

I will add more as I edit them throughout the next week or two.
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Cool videos, the turtles in the second one are great! I've subbed to you on youtube, keep the videos coming!
Here is my edited video from Tunnels Beach. This location had some HUGE coral colonies and schools of Unicorn Tangs. Its pretty shallow here, so the lighting is pretty good. At the end, I pop the camera out of the water so you can see the beach and the view from the water... one of the prettier beaches too!
Tunnel Beach