Got My EcoSystem Up and Running!


New member
Finally, after saving my pennies for about 2 years, I have gotten my EcoSystem Pro 40 set up on my tank (thank you Robert & Larry at Eco Reef!). I got it a few weeks ago, but with the holidays and other factors, did not get to it until this weekend. Before I did it though, I needed to:

-Replace the tank (had tons of capillary leaks on the last one used from Robert @ Eco Reef), but before I did that I needed to:

-Replace the antiquated table that was serving as a tank stand, but before I did that I wanted to:

-Purchase a tank stand (Big Al's "Stingray") and customize it with chrome door pulls and heavy duty casters (wheels)

So, I had to have all of these things in place before I wanted to bother so that I wouldn't have to do double work. Now I have the EcoSystem running beatifully, a new (used) 20g tank with no capillary leaks, a nice natural maple looking stand that was cheap and now looks more custom with chrome hardware and wheels. I had a brainstorm for the wheels since the tank is rather small and I knew I could come up with heavy duty casters that would be more than adequate to hold the weight. It also was somewhat of a necessity since we're going to get new flooring in the next couple of months, and I was dreading moving the tank.

I'll post pics shortly so you can see how purdy it is!




The hardware and the finish color match our furniture quite nicely, so it blends better now than it did. I couldn't believe I could even fit my water change bucket on the bottom shelf too! I'm going to set up my power strips on either side inside the cabinet. I installed a little led "puck light" so that I can see what's up in there. This is gonna be one tricked out little stand.
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Looks great!!! Wish we could see it in person, I'll bet the corals' colors just POP under that light!
The light's been great...but looking for my next upgrade to Tek T-5's. I didn't shoot any closer up tank shots cause I piled my rocks when the dust was all over and I couldn't see sh*t. I need to get in and repile all of it more to my liking. I'll post pics when I get that done. I'm getting ready to put some more pods in (reefbugs) to further seed the refugium/chaeto. Can't wait to get a mandarin now...that's one of the primary reasons I wanted a refugium!
Man thats a sweet set-up...
Question where can I get some FMAS stickers like the one on your cabinet door?
I saw that sticker too and wondered the same thing. I would be interested :)

Very nice looking setup Kat. I've been intreagued by the ecosystem refuge/sump, especially since photosynthetic refugiums have become so popular recently. I couldn't go without a skimmer, so I didn't get a Ecosystem, but I also miss having a refugium now too.
great Job Kat, looking very nice.

Mel, Eric, Those stickers were giving away in the meeting a few years ago, I think I may still have one or could probably find you a couple.
That's funny cause I found the sticker in some junk in the other room and I thought it would be cool to have inside the cabinet door! Guess it works, huh?

The Eco System Pro is awesome because it has the CPR skimmer built right in with it...I got rid of a Penquin filter that I mainly used for circulation and a BakPak skimmer to put this puppy one. Since I run nano tanks, I couldn't even fit this one (the smalles) on my previous tank which was the same dimension as a 10g (20" wide)...I switched to this 20g tank just so that I could get into the Eco System. The BakPak will be for sale shortly, by the way...maybe I'll bring it to the swap to sell it (gotta see if I can fix one small piece on it before I unload it on someone else...I've had it propped up on a piece of wood the entire time I've used it).

I can say that my immediate observation is that I think the water is clearer than I've ever seen it! I got home tonight and was like "wow!" Don't know if I can show how clear it is with photos, but I'll try (without pulling out the SLR...but I may have to anyway, this little point and shoot isn't showing it like I wish it would). I thought it would at least be a few days before I noticed a difference, but I really think I'm already seeing benefits. I love it!

Here's some pics...



I'm still not completely happy with my rock's too flat looking across the that's still a work in progress.




Looks great, Kat. I like the casters, wish I could roll my 90 out to vacuum behind :D fat chance of that.
Yeah, I figured at about 8.5 lbs/ weight of rocks, sand, and refugium water, it adds up quick! The casters I used are the locking type (I had wanted the grey rubber ones since they looked more "industrial", but I guess the grey rubber isn't as rigid as the black ones I ended up with) and are 80 lbs per wheel capacity. I'm way under the full capacity of the wheels which is the way I wanted it...better safe than sorry! Again, I'm thankful for having a nice little "nano" that I could do this with!

I now have my power strips installed inside on each side of the cabinet. My Power Center (which still works, by the way...knock on wood! last one croaked on me) didn't fit too well vertically, so I had to angle it a bit. The smaller strip that runs the heater and pumps fits great on the other side. I also have "drip loops" on everything...I'm very "safe" now! The only thing I couldn't plug in was my backup bubbler...gotta figure something else out there...had to plug it in the kitchen. Maybe I'll put a longer air hose and work it into the cabinet somehow. This is my only backup right now for when we're not home, so I want to keep it in the's really handy for a small tank like this.
Does anyone know how this Ecosystem compares to a CPR aquafuge PS (has bak pak also built in...)
What's the wrinkly brown one with the green edge that looks like it melted? Heh heh, I have a similar one and I can't remember what the heck it is :reading: