Got my Stream Magnet Holders!!


Well it was worth the wait. I just installed them tonight and took all of five minutes. I do have a couple questions and a few remarks. Even though this is a pretty straight forward install I did look at the directions before installing. Since the directions were in German I did what every kid does that can't read greman and that is look at the illustrations. One of the illustrations shows a piece of white fabric rubbing against the magnetic portion of the holder. What does this mean? The only thing I thought of was that the magnet should be cleaned of the blue writing before use. is this correct? Will the blue writing come off in the water? Is it toxic? I did not remove the writing so I just want to know if I have to reove it. I have 2 6000's so I purchased the smaller magnets. I must say I thought they were going to be more powerful. I've read posts in this forum that state it is a two man job. I guess that is for the larger magnets. Once again, a great product. Thanks Roger!!
Hi Roger,

I took another look at the illustrations and came to conclusion that thise pics are describing the installation of the small rubber feet. Both of my magnet holders came with the feet already installed. The only problem is that I am missing one. I looked in the box and can't seem to track it down. How can I get more of those? Thx
I'll see what I can do on the feet, they are really optional, they increase the holding power for really high demand situations and minimize noise. The decal is harmless and should not be removed. I just finished the English instructions a couple weeks ago. The product is not really finished but the demand was so high we had no choice but to sell them without a fancy box or proper instructions.

Why did tunze include the blue writing on both sides of the magnets? I don't mind the writing on the outside magnet but the writing on the inside magnet(in the tank) is an eyesore. Specially when the writing is bright blue :)
rog, is there any problem with having both halves inside a tank? i'm planning on mounting on my overflow (just fits) so both halves will be wet.