Green algae


New member
Need advice. Have been battling a green algae problem off and on for a year now. Tank is 90 gallon with 30 gal fuge and 20 gallon sump. The reef tank is up for 12 years now.

I bought new test kits assuming mine were getting old. My nitrates are 0 ppm
, nitrites 0, phosphates .25, ammonia .5.

I run leds for 12 hours/day.

I don't consider these bad results. But I am stumped as to why the green algae and how to get rid of it.

I just started the Santa Monica but to soon for results.

Any thoughts?

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Pictures of said algae?

.25ppm of phosphate while not horrible at all is certainly enough to fuel algae and would typically be attributed to slight overfeeding.. Are you running GFO or any other phosphate binding media?
I'd reduce that to below .1ppm and see how it all reacts..

Got corals in the tank?
8 hours of light is sufficient if you do..

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Not much of a problem there.. Maybe just time to get a few more snails,etc.. to refresh that clean up crew.. Mexican turbos/urchins,etc...